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Type important documents just like the pros with this useful word processor for your PC

Type important documents just like the pros with this useful word processor for your PC

Vote: (2,260 votes)

Program license: Paid

Developer: Microsoft

Version: 2021

Works under: Windows

Also available for Android Mac


Program license

(2,260 votes)






Works under:

Also available for


Android Mac

Word 2013 is the latest version of the word-processing program associated with Microsoft Office. Word 2013 can be used in conjunction with other Microsoft programs or as a stand-alone product for producing a variety of documents for professional or personal use.

Some common professional uses for Microsoft Word are creating reports, checklists, business fliers, employment resumes and basic text documents. Users are able to create these and other types of documents with the many word-processing features and extensions incorporated into this program.

Word 2013 allows users to incorporate images into text documents for printed materials as well as image and video content for electronic documents. In either format, users are able to fully customize the look and feel of the document with text formatting, styles and themes. Additionally, Word documents may include tables, charts and graphs for a visual display of quantitative data.

Microsoft Word comes with a library of templates that allow users to make quick and easy modifications to professional looking documents for business or personal use. These templates include postcard layouts, greeting cards, invitations, certificates, sign-up sheets, calendars, and many others. Users can also search an online database of templates that further extends their design capabilities.

Once a document has been created, Word 2013 allows for collaboration with team members on a single project with the simple markup view. Users can make corrections, adjustments, or leave comments that will be visible to everyone on the project with access. This function allows for the immediate sharing of ideas relating to the document in question.

The 2013 version of Microsoft Word has incorporated a distraction-free reading layout that improved upon the readability of previous versions. While in Read Mode, users view documents in an electronic book-style format similar to popular e-readers. Microsoft Word 2013 has many attractive features such as those mentioned, as well as some challenging aspects for beginners.

Overall, Microsoft Word 2013 has improved upon previous versions of the Microsoft Word platform. The new features and updated design expands the functionality of Word 2013. The same upgrades that experienced users will enjoy may cause the beginner some difficulty. These early challenges, though, are well compensated when beginners move to other Microsoft Office programs, because the new design is consistent across all products in the Office 2013 Suite.


Advanced word processing functionally

Floating image and video integration

Collaborative applications

Distraction-free reading

Microsoft Office integration


Advanced features may be challenging for beginners

New design takes some getting used to for people accustomed to older versions